15. Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah

God’s Message

To understand the life and times of these prophets read the following passages:

  • Micah – 2 Chronicles 21-32, 2 Kings 15
  • Nahum – 2 Chronicles 24, 2 Kings 21
  • Habakkuk – 2 Chronicles 34-35, 2 Kings 22-23
  • Zephaniah – 2 Chronicles 34-35, 2 Kings 22-23

The people of God drifted away from Him. No longer acknowledging their need of Him, they worship idols and welcomed false prophets. God warned them of coming disaster if they didn’t return to Him, the God who was “merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.” (Exodus 34:6)

MicahMourning and warning for Israel’s sin; Israel’s restoration                                           For your convenienceBible online
  Kings and prophets timeline
 Ch.1 Micah mourns the coming disaster of Israel and Judah                               Ch.2 Other prophets speak falsely                                                                             Ch.3 Leaders and prophets are evil                                                                           Ch.4 Future Israel                                                                                                         Ch.5 Messiah is prophesied                                                                                         Ch.6 God questions their evil ways                                                                         Ch.7 Micah confesses the sins of Israel


Who was Micah’s contemporary?  (Jeremiah 26:18)
How did Micah describe the Lord’s displeasure? (1:2-4)
Why was God angry at the prophets? (3:5)
He spoke of a future time. How did he see the future?  (4:3)
How was the future Messiah mentioned?  (5:2; see Luke 2:4-7; Matthew 2:1-6)  Bethlehem
Did God want sacrifices from the people?  (6:6-7)
What did God require of His people?  (6:8)
When Micah saw the evil in his people, what did he do?  (7:7)
What is God like in the end?  (7:18-19)
 NahumProphecy against God’s enemy, Nineveh                                                                         For your convenience – Bible online

 Ch.1 Who is as powerful as God?                                                                                   Ch.2 A display of God’s power                                                                                        Ch.3 God is against Nineveh

This prophecy is against what place?  (1:1)
God is jealous and avenges, but…?  (1:3)
God can be fiercely angry, but…?  (1:7)
Why woe to Nineveh?  (3:1-4)
HabakkukHabakkuk questioned God and politely waited for God’s response                        For your convenienceBible online

 Ch.1 God is sovereign                                                                                                        Ch.2 Trouble for those who cause trouble                                                                  Ch.3 In spite of coming doom, Habakkuk trusts God


What were the questions Habakkuk has for God?  (1:1-4)
How did God answer?  (1:5-11)
What were Habakkuk’s next questions?  (1:12-17)
Describe Habakkuk’s attitude.  (2:1)
God answers in 2:2-20 woes to five different people. What have they done wrong?
Compare 2:3-4 with Hebrews 10:37-38. How are they alike?
Although much devastation is coming, what did Habakkuk say?  (3:17-19)
ZephaniahProphecy of impending judgment and God’s future world                                 For your convenienceBible online

 Ch.1 The day of the Lord’s wrath                                                                                    Ch.2 Those who trust in false gods will be punished                                                  Ch.3 Those who are loyal to God are encouraged to wait on Him


How is he related to Hezekiah?  (1:1)
Who was he angry with?  (1:6,12,17)
Zephaniah called the people to do what?  (2:1-3)
Woe to those who have not done what?  (3:2)
God will restore how?  (3:8,9,12,13)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

Wow! You have completed one-fourth of this study. Take a minute to consider all you now know. Amazing, right?!

The next few lessons will be about two major prophets—major because of the size of their books.

Isaiah is the first prophet you will study. What an awesome book! There is much treasure in this book. 

In lesson sixteen you will read prophecies concerning a coming Messiah, experience what Isaiah felt when he had a spectacular vision, and even get a quick glimpse of how Satan started out as an angel.