16. Isaiah Pt.1

Isaiah, All will bow before the Lord God

We will pause to consider what Isaiah and Jeremiah have to tell us before continuing our Old Testament study.
Isaiah prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah (Isaiah 1:1).  Compare with 2 Chronicles chapters 26-32 and 2 Kings chapters 15 – 20.  Uzziah, Jotham’s father (2 Kings 15:7; 2 Chronicles 26:23) also went by the name of Azariah. The Gospel of John quoted Isaiah in John 12: 38-41. Isaiah is considered a major prophet because of the size of the book.                                                                                       Israel and Judah during Isaiah’s time                                  For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1 God’s complaint against Judah was they had rebelled against Him, their times             of worship were empty, just ritual
Ch.2 Worship is due God
Ch.3 God’s judgment on Judah and Jerusalem
Ch.4 A time of prosperity
Ch.5 His disappointing vine, Judah
Ch.6 Isaiah sees the Lord and overhears a heavenly conversation  (see Genesis 1:26)
Ch.7 War against Judah; (compare with 2 Kings 16:5 and 2 Chronicles 28:6)
Ch.8 Assyria will invade, God’s word to Isaiah
Ch.9 Messianic prophecy (9:6-7), more destruction coming; His kingdom (compare      Luke 2:11, Matthew 3:2; 6:33; 28:18; John 3:3,5; 18:36-37)
Ch.10 More woes on people who do wrong
Ch.11 The future of Israel and the world; compare 11:2 with John 1:32
Ch.12 A hymn of praise
Ch.13 Compare v.17 with Daniel 5:28-31
Ch.14 Fall of Babylon and a picture of the fall of Lucifer  (compare with Luke 10:18)
What specifically did God have against His people?  (1:2,4,11,12)
What did God ask of the people?  (1:16-18)
If they were obedient, what did He promise?  (1:19-20)
Could the idols save them?  (2:20-21)
What did He say about their leaders?  (3:12)
Was God happy with Judah?  (5:7)
The woes were spoken to what people?  (5:8,11,18,20,21,22)
What was Isaiah’s reaction when he saw the Lord?  (6:1-5)
What was his response to the question?  (6:8)
What is the promise of a messiah?  (7:14)
What did God speak to Isaiah?  (8:11-16)
What did the messianic prophecy say?  (9:6-7)
In Matthew 18-19, Jesus speaks of His kingdom, His government. Is it a typical kingdom? What is different about it?
Why was God going to punish the king of Assyria?  (10:12)
Who was Isaiah talking about in 11:1-5?
What will the future be like?  (11:6-7)
Will the Root of Jesse come to the Jews only?  (11:10; see John 10:16)
How is 14:14 like Genesis 3:4-5?
Who was Isaiah speaking about?  (14:12-17)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

Has your knowledge of the character of God expanded?

What’s next? After prophecies against several nearby nations, the prophecies turn positive concerning the future. God promises to restore Judah in part two of Isaiah.

Oh, and there will be another miracle in nature. Can time stand still? Can it go backward?

Although you learned about Hezekiah in lesson twelve, more of his story is recorded by Isaiah.