18. Isaiah Pt.3

Returning leads to restoration

Through Isaiah God promised to restore His people if only they would repent and turn back to Him. He would send a Messiah that would take upon Himself all their sins and would be a Messiah for the whole world. In the final chapters of Isaiah, God promised a prosperous Jerusalem in the future.                                                                                                      For your convenienceBible online                                                         Book of Isaiah
Ch.49 His Servant will bring blessing
Ch.50 His Servant will be mistreated
Ch.51 Listen, my people;  (Compare 51:1 with Psalm 40:2)
Ch.52 God will redeem His people
Ch.53 The rejected Messiah
Ch.54 Get ready to prosper
Ch.55 God has what His people need
Ch.56 Belonging to God is not limited to the Hebrews
Ch.57 Sacrificing to other gods
Ch.58 Doing right
Ch.59 Prayers not answered because of sin
Ch.60 Israel will be blessed
Ch.61 Prosperous times
Ch.62 Jerusalem restored
Ch.63 Remembering their deliverance from Egypt
Ch.64 They acknowledge their need for God
Ch.65 Great times are coming
Ch.66 God wants to help and bless


How did God promise not to forget Israel?  (49:14-16)
Who is their Savior?  (49:26)
Who is mentioned in 50:6?  (see Matthew 26:67; 27:30)
Should they be afraid of what people say?  (51:7)
Who was mentioned?  (52:13-14;  50:6; Matthew 26:67)
Why was He stricken?  (53:8)
What did He carry?  (53:12)
Will God be angry forever?  (54:8)
What is the living water?  (55:1; John 7:37-38)
What is important?  (55:2-3)
What were they urged to do?  (55:6-7)
Are human thoughts like God’s thoughts?  (55:8-9)
Who inhabits eternity?  (57:15)
Who will He live with?  (57:15)
What did God want instead of their self-directed fasts?  (58:6-7)
Why will God not hear?  (59:1-2; see Proverbs 28:9)
What displeased God?  (59:15-16)
Compare 61:1-3 with Luke 4:16-19.  Who is it talking about?
What does God do for those who wait for Him?  (64:4)
Does anyone call on God?  (64:7)
Who is the potter?  Who is the clay?  (64:8)
Why will there be bad times for the people?  (65:12)
When will God answer?  (65:24)
Which animals will eat together?  (65:25)
What is God’s throne?  (66:1, Jeremiah 23:24; 1 Kings 8:27,43)

Who does God look to help?  (66:2; 57:15; Psalms 34:18; 51:17)                                            Since they had chosen their own ways, what will God do? Why?  (66:4)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

This lesson concludes the study of Isaiah. Now you will learn about the next major prophet, Jeremiah.

Does age have anything to do with being chosen by God to be a prophet? It would seem that being chosen by God to be a prophet would be a privilege. Does Jeremiah agree? What is life like for him?