The People Return
In the book of Ezra, King Cyrus wanted the Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt, so he sent many Jews back to Judah to complete that project. Haggai and Zechariah prophesied during this time. The seventy years of bondage is complete. Israel was restored.
Ezra – Help with the temple, people are counted For your convenience – Bible Online
Ch.1 Cyrus sends Jews back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple,
King Cyrus
Ch.3 Jeshua restores worship
Ch.4 Adversaries cause trouble for the builders
Ch.5 Rebuilding temple
Ch.6 Original decree found
Ch.7 Ezra comes with a letter full of support from King Artaxerxes
Ch.8 Safe trip for those bringing much wealth from the king
Ch.9 Ezra’s prayer
Ch.10 Shechaniah’s solution
Why did Cyrus send Jews back? (1:2)
What did he send back with them? (1:7-11)
When did they begin work on the temple? (3:8)
Were the troublemakers successful? (4:6,21)
By whose authority were they rebuilding the temple? (5:11,13-14; Acts 4:18-20; 5:29)
What was Darius’s response? (6:7-12)
What was Ezra’s attitude? (7:10)
Why did Ezra pray for protection when he could have requested military protection from Artaxerxes? (8:22)
Why did Ezra tear his clothes? (9:1-3)
What was the tone of Ezra’s prayer? (9:5-6)
Did he think God was fair in His dealings with His people? (9:13)
What was the people’s attitude? (10:1)
Haggai – Encouragement for the builders of the Temple For your convenience – Bible Online
Ch.1 A call to build God’s house
Ch.2 Haggai prophesied of a future temple, future blessing
If they ignored God, what would their life be like? (1:6)
What was the response to Haggai’s prophecy? (1:12)
How can the people be strong? (2:4)
Zechariah – Coming deliverance for Judah For your convenience – Bible Online
Ch.1 God promises to be with His people if they will return to Him Ch.2 The Lord will come to establish His kingdom on earth Ch.3 Future Messiah Ch.4 Two olive trees, two anointed ones Ch.5 A flying scroll Ch.6 Four chariots Ch.7 Fasting and weeping for themselves or for God Ch.8 Jerusalem will be great again Ch.9 The coming king Ch.10 Judah will flourish Ch.11 Worthless shepherd Ch.12 God will defend Judah Ch.13 Refining of God’s people Ch.14 The Day of the Lord
When did Zechariah begin to prophesy? (1:1)
God warned his people to not be like their ancestors. Explain (1:3-4)
What color were the horses in his vision? (1:8)
Where was the man going with the measuring line? Why? (2:1-2)
What was the angel instructed to do for Joshua, the high priest? (3:3-5)
Who did the two olives trees represent? (4:11-14; Revelation 11:3-6)
What had God’s people done that preceded their captivity? (7:11-12)
What will Jerusalem be called in the future? (8:3)
Why will ten men grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man? (8:23)
Who is mentioned in 9:9? (Compare with Matthew 21:1-11)
Why will God bring Judah back? (10:6)
What did the wages foretell? (11:12; Matthew 26:14-15)
In that day, what will God do to the nations that come against Jerusalem? (12:9)
How many will die? (13:8)
What will God do with the remaining one-third? (13:9)
When the Lord’s feet touch the Mount of Olives, what will happen? (14:4)
A note from your Bible study mentor –
Another person stands out during this period of captivity: Nehemiah, a servant of the king. Nehemiah is so burdened about the condition of the capital of his hometown, Jerusalem, that he risked his life to share his concerns with the king.
Surprise! Surprise! The king gave his approval for rebuilding the city walls. Even with the support of the king, will the project go forward without a problem?