29. Job Pt.1

Job learns to trust God

Job’s trust in God was sorely tried as he was allowed to go through some dark times.  When all around him gave way, he learned to trust God. Since the time of Job is uncertain, for this study it is placed after the known history. What is fairly certain is that he probably lived between Noah and Abraham. Job is mentioned in James 5:11 in the New Testament. He is also mentioned in Ezekiel 14:14,20. It is a poetic book in its original format and so is placed with the other poetic books in the Bible.                                                                                                                             For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1 Job loses his children and livestock Land of Uz
Ch.2 Job loses his health
Ch.3 Job regrets the day he was born
Ch.4-5 Eliphaz reminds Job how he has helped others
Ch.6-7 Job pours out his anguish wanting to know what he has done wrong
Ch.8 Bildad tells Job to repent
Ch.9-10 Job acknowledges the sovereignty of God, yet he questions Him
Ch.11 Zophar asks if Job can understand God
Ch.12-14 Job states that God can do anything he chooses
Ch.15 Eliphaz scolds Job for speaking his thoughts to God
Ch.16-17 Job accuses his friends of being without sympathy
Ch. 18 Bildad hints to Job that he must have been wicked
Ch.19 Job considers the idea that God may be against him
Ch.20 Zophar  preaches against evil
Ch.21 Job tells his friends that evil people can prosper just like good people
Did Job sin by accusing God of causing his loss?  (1:22)
When his health was gone, what did Job’s wife want him to do?  (2:9)
How did Job feel about his life?  (3:3,11,16)
Who is the happy person?  (5:17)
What did Job ask?  (7:20)
What did Bildad promise?  (8:21)
Was there a mediator for Job during this Old Testament time?  (9:33)
In the New Testament who is the mediator?  (1 Timothy 2:5)
Who made Job?  (10:8-12)
How did Job answer Zophar?  (12:3)
What is in God’s hand?  (12:10)
What does God have?  (12:13)
God may do what?  (13:15)
What will Job do anyway?  (13:15)
In light of all time, is man’s life very long?  (14:2)
According to Eliphaz, what condemns Job?  (15:6)
What did Eliphaz ask Job?  (15:7-9)
What did Job call his friends?  (16:2)
Who was Bildad describing?  (18:21)
What did Job know in spite of all his misfortune?  (19:25-26)

Does death come to the good as well as the bad?  (21:23-26)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

When everything in life falls apart, when all is lost, when bad things happen, and when no one understands, can Job still trust God? Can we still trust God?