36. Proverbs

Words of wisdom 

In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon shared his wisdom. King Solomon is considered the wisest person who ever lived. God appeared to Solomon in a dream at the beginning of his reign shortly after King David died and said, “Ask. What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 3:5) Solomon acknowledged God’s mercy toward his father King David and realized the scope of responsibility placed on him to follow in his father’s footsteps. This is part of what he answered. “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” (1 Kings 3:9)  For the complete narrative read 1 Kings chapter three.
For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1-9 Solomon teaching his son wisdom
Ch.10-22:16 Wise sayings of Solomon
Ch.22:17-24:34 Wise sayings from other people of his day
Ch.25-29 Wisdom of Solomon
Ch.30 Wisdom of Agur, son of Jakeh
Ch.31:1-9 Wisdom taught to King Lemuel by his mother
Ch.31:10-31 Acrostic on the virtuous woman
Who despises wisdom?  (1:7)
What is Solomon’s primary advice to his son?  (3:5-6)
Who does the Lord correct?  (3:11-12)
What should be two main goals?  (4:5-7)
What is considered a snare?  (6:1-2)
What brings wisdom and understanding?  (9:10)
Who is a grief to his mother?  (10:1)
What is an abomination to God?  (11:1)
Who is foolish, and who is wise?  (12:15-16)
The end of what is death?  (14:12)
A fool despises what?  (15:5)
What is better than a good dinner with hatred?  (15:17)
What is better than silver or gold?  (16:16)
Who is stronger than an army?  (16:32)
Who is a grief to his father?  (17:25)
What is in the power of the tongue?  (18:21)
If a person wants friends, what must he do?  (18:24)
What is a precious jewel?  (20:15)
When is it better to live in the wilderness?  (21:19)
Who keeps his soul from trouble?  (21:23)
What is better than riches?  (22:1)
What do the rich and poor have in common?  (22:2)
How is being drunk described?  (23:31-35)
Will we be held accountable for what we do?  (24:12)
What is like apples of gold?  (25:11)
How should we treat an enemy?  (25:21-22; Romans 12:17-21)
What is gossip like?  (26:22)
Why shouldn’t we boast about tomorrow?  (27:1)
Whose prayer is an abomination?  (28:9; Isaiah 59:2)
When do the people of a nation rejoice, and when do they groan?  (29:2)
How important is a virtuous wife?  (31:10)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

What do you think of King Solomon and his wisdom? Do you know anyone who is so rich they have everything they could want? I don’t.

King Solomon had everything. He had land, money, and women. Did that make him happy? Find out in the book of Ecclesiastes.

He even wrote or had someone write a play, called  “The Song of Solomon”, about his love affair with a beautiful young girl.

And yet, after having everything, what did he say was important?