All is vanity / Romance
Ecclesiastes – In his later life, King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes. He had been blessed with great success and riches. He had also wandered from his God. As he looked back over his life, he could see that nothing mattered except serving God. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Life is the same
Ch.3 A time for everything
Ch.4 Friends are good
Ch.5 Fear God; riches to the rich are vanity
Ch.6 Sometimes family will go, leaving you with only your possessions
Ch.7 He who fears God will escape some traps
Ch.8 Obey the king because of your oath to God
Ch.9 Life is simple; enjoy what you have
Ch.10 No one is exempt from calamity
Ch.11 Youth passes quickly, learn right ways early
Ch.12 Follow God so that when you die your spirit returns to him
What is vanity like? (2:11,17,26; 4:4,16; 6:9)
What happens to everyone? (2:16)
What is his simple advice for everyone? (3:12-13,22)
Who is better than a foolish old king? (4:13)
What should you do about making vows to God? (5:1-5)
Does life happen to all, the good and the evil? (9:2-3)
What should be heard? (9:17)
Since God will bring all to judgment, what should we do? (11:10)
What is the conclusion of his musings? (12:13-14)
Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon is a story of love between Solomon and one of his concubines. It is a dialog between Solomon, the Shulamite woman, her friends, his friends, and her brothers. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Physical appearance Ch.2 He calls to her Ch.3 Troubled night Ch.4 His thoughts of her Ch.5 He knocks, but she doesn’t answer Ch.6 -7 Appearances described Ch.8 Conversation between her and her brothers
Why did she get tanned? (1:6)
To what does she compare her beloved? (2:9)
What time of day does she go looking for him? (3:1-3)
Did she answer him when he knocked on her door? (5:1-6)
Can anything quench true love? (8:7)
A note from your Bible study mentor –
Now you will begin studying the New Testament starting with the Gospels that are told by four different men.
Matthew writes with the Jew in mind and what they would relate to. This lesson includes direct teaching and teaching using stories.
It begins with the birth of Jesus and His cousin, John the Baptist. Did you know they were related? Remember, contact me if you have any questions or thoughts on what you are learning. I would love to hear from you.