38. Matthew Pt.1

The Messiah Comes 

This gospel was written by Matthew, the disciple of Jesus who was also called Levi. During this time, the Jews were hoping for a Messiah that would come to overthrow their Roman rulers and restore Israel to its former glory.  They did not understand Jesus came to bring a kingdom of the heart.                                                            For your convenience – Bible online 
Ch.1 Birth of Jesus  Time between the Testaments
Ch.2 His childhood
Ch.3 Baptized by John the Baptist
Ch.4 Temptation in the wilderness
Ch.5-7 Sermon on the Mount
Ch.8 Jesus demonstrates His power in various ways
Ch.9 Forgiveness and fasting
Ch.10 Twelve disciples called
Ch.11 John Baptist   Chorazin
Ch.12 Healing on Sabbath; Pharisees question authority of Jesus
Ch.13 Parables
Ch.14 John the Baptist killed; miracles over nature  Herod Antipas
Why was He called Jesus?  (1:21)
What prophecy is quoted in 2:6?  (see Micah 5:2)
After his family returned from Egypt, where did they settle?  (2:23)
What was the attitude of John the Baptist when Jesus wanted to be baptized by him?  (3:14)
What happened when Jesus came out of the water?  (3:16-17)
How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness?  (4:1-2)
What did he quote to Satan?  (4:4,7,10; Deuteronomy 6:16; 8:3; 10:20)
Who were the four fishermen he called to follow him?  (4:18-22)
How are we to treat our enemies?  (5:43-48)
What indicates a person’s priorities?  (6:21)
What does 7:12 say?
Will many find the way that leads to life?  (7:13-14)
Does doing amazing religious acts guarantee entrance into heaven?  (7:21-23)
How was His teaching different from the teaching of the religious leaders of the day?  (7:28-29)
What miracle of nature did Jesus perform?  (8:23-27)
Why do you think the people of  Gergesenes wanted Jesus to leave?  (8:28-34)
Why did Jesus come?  (9:9-13)
List the twelve disciples.  (10:1-4)  Disciples
Why would they be hated?  (10:22)
Did Jesus come to bring peace?  (10:34-39)
Where can true rest be found?  (11:28-30)
What were the Pharisees concerned about?  (12:9-14)
Why couldn’t the majority understand the teachings of Jesus?  (13:14-15)
List the common items compared to the kingdom of heaven.  (13:24,31,33,44,45,47)
What happened to John the Baptist?  (14:1-12)
Why couldn’t Peter keep walking on water?  (14:30-31)

A note from your  Bible study mentor – 

By the second part of Matthew,  Jesus had many followers. They were amazed at seeing sight restored to blind people, the dead raised, and food multiplied before their eyes.

When Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, His fans went ahead cheering and laying palm branches in front of Him like he was their hero. Where were these fans a few days later?