The Messiah Comes
This gospel was written by Matthew, the disciple of Jesus who was also called Levi. During this time, the Jews were hoping for a Messiah that would come to overthrow their Roman rulers and restore Israel to its former glory. They did not understand Jesus came to bring a kingdom of the heart. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Birth of Jesus Time between the Testaments
Ch.2 His childhood
Ch.3 Baptized by John the Baptist
Ch.4 Temptation in the wilderness
Ch.5-7 Sermon on the Mount
Ch.8 Jesus demonstrates His power in various ways
Ch.9 Forgiveness and fasting
Ch.10 Twelve disciples called
Ch.11 John Baptist Chorazin
Ch.12 Healing on Sabbath; Pharisees question authority of Jesus
Ch.13 Parables
Ch.14 John the Baptist killed; miracles over nature Herod Antipas
Why was He called Jesus? (1:21)
What prophecy is quoted in 2:6? (see Micah 5:2)
After his family returned from Egypt, where did they settle? (2:23)
What was the attitude of John the Baptist when Jesus wanted to be baptized by him? (3:14)
What happened when Jesus came out of the water? (3:16-17)
How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness? (4:1-2)
What did he quote to Satan? (4:4,7,10; Deuteronomy 6:16; 8:3; 10:20)
Who were the four fishermen he called to follow him? (4:18-22)
How are we to treat our enemies? (5:43-48)
What indicates a person’s priorities? (6:21)
What does 7:12 say?
Will many find the way that leads to life? (7:13-14)
Does doing amazing religious acts guarantee entrance into heaven? (7:21-23)
How was His teaching different from the teaching of the religious leaders of the day? (7:28-29)
What miracle of nature did Jesus perform? (8:23-27)
Why do you think the people of Gergesenes wanted Jesus to leave? (8:28-34)
Why did Jesus come? (9:9-13)
List the twelve disciples. (10:1-4) Disciples
Why would they be hated? (10:22)
Did Jesus come to bring peace? (10:34-39)
Where can true rest be found? (11:28-30)
What were the Pharisees concerned about? (12:9-14)
Why couldn’t the majority understand the teachings of Jesus? (13:14-15)
List the common items compared to the kingdom of heaven. (13:24,31,33,44,45,47)
What happened to John the Baptist? (14:1-12)
Why couldn’t Peter keep walking on water? (14:30-31)