39. Matthew Pt.2

Messiah’s Passion 

The remainder of Matthew, Gospel records more of Jesus’ teachings, as well as, His arrest, hasty trial, crucifixion, and death on the cross.               For your convenienceBible online
Ch.15 Outward religious life might hide inner sin Magdala
Ch.16 Religious leaders want a sign  Who were the Scribes, Pharisees, etc.?
Ch.17 Three disciples witness the Transfiguration of Jesus
Ch.18 Kingdom success is the opposite of secular success
Ch.19 Marriage and divorce
Ch.20 God’s reward is the same for all
Ch.21 Palm Sunday events
Ch.22 Resurrection is discussed
Ch.23 Jesus exposes the Pharisees and scribes
Ch.24 Signs of the last days
Ch.25 Jesus describes His return to earth
Ch.26 Last Supper, Jesus arrested
Ch.27 Trial of Jesus, crucifixion, and burial  Temple Veil
Ch.28 His resurrection
Why were the Pharisees upset?  (15:2)
What was the response from Jesus?  (15:3-6)
Who did the people say Jesus might be?  (16:14)
From that time, what did Jesus begin to show his disciples?  (16:21; 17:22,23; 20:17-19)
What did the voice in the clouds say?  (17:5)
What should we do when someone sins against us?  (18:15-17; Luke 17:3-4)
How many times are we to forgive the same person?  (18:21-22)
What did Jesus say about marriage and divorce?  (19:4-9)
Which of the two sons did what his father asked?  (21:28-32)
What happened to the man who came to the wedding feast without a wedding garment?  (22:11-13)
What three titles are his followers not to be called?  (23:8-10)
Who is the greatest?  (23:11)
What did he call the scribes and Pharisees?  (23:25,27,29)
After the great tribulation, what will happen?  (24:29)
What will life be like preceding His return?  (24:38-39)
Who was the everlasting fire prepared for?  (25:41)
Why wasn’t Jesus arrested during the feast?  (26:5)
Who betrayed Jesus?  (26:14-16)
How could Jesus have prevented His arrest?  (26:53)
What happened after Peter denied knowing Christ three times?  (26:69-75)
What became of Judas?  (27:3-5)
What was torn in two pieces from top to bottom when Jesus died?  (27:51; Exodus 26:31-33)
Who bribed the guards?  (28:11-15)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

 Action! That’s what describes Mark’s account. Not so much teaching or parables. Enjoy studying this action-packed account of the life of Jesus.

Be sure to share any questions or thoughts by contacting me.