Jesus – Son of Man
Luke, a physician and close friend of Apostle Paul, wrote his account of the life of Jesus from a historical point of view. He wanted to give an accurate account to Theophilus of the life and ministry of the Son of Man, the Savior. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Birth of John the Baptist
Ch.2 Birth of Jesus
Ch.3 Ministry of John the Baptist
Ch.4 Temptation of Jesus
Ch.5 Forgiveness and healing
Ch.6 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Ch.7 Amazing faith
Ch.8 Power over nature and demons
Ch.9 Transfiguration
Ch.10 Seventy people sent out to preach and heal; road from Jerusalem to Jericho
Ch.11 Jesus teaches
What was Mary’s response to Gabriel’s message? (1:38)
What happened after Zacharias wrote down John’s name? (1:63-64)
How did Simeon happen to be in the temple when Mary and Joseph brought their required offering after the birth of Jesus? (2:25-32)
What was Jesus’ response to His parents when they found Him in the temple? (2:49)
How did John the Baptist speak of Jesus? (3:16)
Which of Noah’s three sons is in the ancestry of Jesus? (3:36)
How extensive was the temptation of Jesus? (4:1-13; Hebrews 4:15)
What was Jesus like when He came back from His forty days of temptation? (4:14)
Using Leviticus 14:1-20, briefly describe the procedure for a leper to be pronounced clean by the priest. (5:12-14)
What was the Pharisees’ opinion of the tax collectors? (5:27-30) Tax Collectors
How are we to be like God? (6:35-36)
What is the person compared to who hears the words of Jesus and does them? (6:46-49)
For the healing of his servant, what did the centurion want Jesus to do? (7:1-7)
What did Jesus reply? (7:9)
Who loves Jesus the most? (7:41-47)
When Jesus calmed the storm, how did the disciples react? (8:25)
Were the people who knew of the demon-possessed man happy with Jesus? (8:35-37)
Describe the transfiguration of Jesus. (9:27-36)
When the 70 people returned to Jesus, what was to concern them? (10:17-20)
What was the reaction of the scribes and Pharisees to Jesus’ teachings? (11:53-54)