Son of Man Fulfills His Purpose
In the second part of Luke, Jesus continued His explanation of kingdom of heaven principles, as the religious leaders of His day attempted to undermine His teachings. The Pharisees felt threatened because throngs of people were following Him. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.12 Jesus teaches
Ch.13 Various parables
Ch.14 Humility taught
Ch.15 Parables of the lost
Ch.16 Rich and poor
Ch.17 The Kingdom of God
Ch.18 Kingdom principles
Ch.19 Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Passover
Ch.20 Jesus confronts the scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees
Ch.21 Signs of the end times Destruction of Jerusalem
Ch.22 Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest
Ch.23 Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus Crucifixion
Ch.24 Resurrection and Ascension
What is the lesson of the Parable of the Rich Fool? (12:20-21)
Did Jesus come to give peace? (12:51-53)
To what did Jesus compare Herod? (13:32)
List one instance when there is joy in heaven. (15:10)
Why is not one of the dead sent back to warn them? (16:31)
How many of the ten lepers came back to thank Jesus? (17:15-16)
What will life be like preceding the return of Jesus? (17:26-30)
What question did Jesus ask in 18:8?
Which man, Pharisee or tax collector, will be justified? 1(8:9-14)
What was Jesus predicting as He looked over the city of Jerusalem? (19:41-44)
In the Parable of the Vinedressers, how many servants were sent? (20:9-12)
What happened to the son that was sent after the servants were mistreated? (20:13-15)
Why were the chief priests and scribes so angry with Jesus? (20:19)
What was the opinion of some of the scribes about Jesus? (20:39)
When will we know the desolation is near? (21:20)
What warning did He give about being ready? (21:34)
Did His disciples find the room ready for Passover? (22:12-13)
What did Jesus do to the man’s ear that was cut off? (22:51)
Why was Herod glad to have Jesus brought before him? (23:8)
After the meeting how did Herod treat Jesus? (23:11)
Did the disciples believe the women’s report of Jesus’ resurrection? (24:11)
Jesus told His disciples what happened to Him was to fulfill what writings? (24:44)