Wisdom of God vs. Wisdom of Man
1 Corinthians was Paul’s first of two recorded letters to the church in the city of Corinth, a city in Greece. He had heard some disturbing news concerning activities occurring in that body of believers. In this letter, he explained to them that this new way of life, which was not understood by the natural person, was based on the wisdom of God. For your convenience – Bible online City of Corinth
Ch.1 All believers are united in Christ
Ch.2 Wisdom of God
Ch.3 Wisdom of world is foolishness with God
Ch.4 Everything is for Christ
Ch.5 Immorality in the church must be judged
Ch.6 Prefer being cheated rather than cause trouble
Ch.7 Marriage
Ch.8 Believers should not use freedom at the risk of another’s faith
Ch.9 Paul does not insist on his rights for fear it will jeopardize the gospel message
Ch.10 Give no offense, but rather do all for the glory of God
Ch.11 Purpose of Lord’s supper and right behavior
Ch.12 Spiritual gifts
Ch.13 Greatest is love
Ch.14 Order in meetings
Ch.15 Christ our resurrection hope
Ch.16 Collection for the saints and Paul’s plans
How did Paul describe the message of the cross? (1:18)
How did Paul describe the effectiveness of the message? (2:4-5)
Why is it necessary to be born again to understand the things of God? (2:14; John 3:3)
How did Paul describe a believer as a temple of God? (3:16-17)
What is foolishness with God? (3:19)
Paul would come in person in one of two ways. Describe the two ways. (4:18-21)
Are believers to be separate and have nothing to do with unbelievers? (5:9-13)
Why shouldn’t a believer take another believer to court? (6:1-6)
Do believers have ownership over themselves? (6:19-20) Why?
A man or a woman believer who is unmarried is free to do what? (7:32-34)
When is a woman free to remarry? (7:39)
If a believer wounds another believer with his freedom, against whom does he sin? (8:9-13)
Believers are in a race to obtain what kind of crown? (9:25)
What did Paul say about temptation? (10:13)
Believers are to do all ____. (10:31)
What does taking the Lord’s supper say? (11:26)
List the nine gifts of the spirit. (12:8-10)
Describe the necessity of each believer in the local body? (12:20-26)
Can having great faith, sacrificing their life, or giving all to charity be for nothing? (13:1-3)
Describe biblical love. (13:4-7)
Spiritual gifts are for what? (14:12)
Who are tongues a sign for? (14:22)
What did Paul receive that he passed on to the church in Corinth? (15:3-4)
Why was he the least of all the apostles? (15:9)
How were they to help the saints in Jerusalem? (16:1-20