Who Are Believers in Christ?
In the book of Ephesians, Paul explained both Jew and Gentile believers were united by the death of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gave each believer an inheritance. All the blessings of Jesus Christ are theirs because they have been placed in Him through faith, by the Father. For your convenience – Bible online City of Ephesus
Ch.1 Redemption through the death of Jesus Christ
Ch.2 Saved by grace, not works
Ch.3 Mystery of joint heirs with Jesus Christ
Ch.4 Turn away from the former life to live a new life in Christ
Ch.5 Imitate God in daily life
Ch.6 Family relationships
What do believers have “in Him,” Jesus Christ? (1:7)
Paul prayed that they will know what three things? (1:18-19)
What does God want to show in the ages to come? (2:7)
How did Jesus Christ bring peace between Jew and Gentile? (2:15-18)
List the four things Paul prayed the believers will have. (3:16-17)
What are the dimensions of God’s love? (3:18)
Describe what Paul called childish believers. (4:14)
Describe the walk of the unbeliever. (4:17-19)
Why will the wrath of God come upon the world? (5:3-6)
How are believers to walk? (5:15-21)
What is the first commandment that is followed by a promise? (6:2; Deuteronomy 5:16; Exodus 20:12)
List the parts of the believer’s armor. (6:14-17)