1 Thessalonians – Stay Strong In the Truth
Paul expressed relief at the news Timothy brought back after he sent him to visit the believers in the church at Thessalonica. Paul encouraged the believers to live a life that would be a testimony to the unbelievers in their community. For your convenience – Bible online Thessalonica
Ch.1 Letter from Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy commends the believers for their good reputation
Ch.2 They received the word because it was presented to them with integrity
Ch.3 Paul is comforted with the news Timothy brought back from his visit with them
Ch.4 Believers are to live an orderly life
Ch.5 Closing instructions
How dis Paul open most of his letters? (1:1; Col. 1:1-2; Phil. 1:1-2; Eph. 1:1-2)
What is the reputation of the believers at Thessalonica? (1:7-10)
Paul and his fellow ministers had presented the gospel with integrity and not with what? (2:4-6)
Why had Paul sent Timothy to Thessalonica? (3:1-3)
What news did Timothy bring back to Paul and his friends? (3:6)
What did Paul urge them to do? (4:3-5,11-12)
With what were they to comfort each other? (4:16-18)
What four things did Paul want them to do? (5:14)
2 Thessalonians – The Day of the Lord
Paul wrote to the believers about a time in the future when many will fall away from the faith. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Paul is grateful they are thriving spiritually
Ch.2 The Day of the Lord
Ch.3 Warning against freeloading
How will Jesus be revealed in the end? (1:7-8)
The Day of the Lord will not come until what happens? (2:3-4)
How will the lawless one be destroyed? (2:8)
Why will people perish? (2:10)
Who will guard the believers from the evil one? (3:3)
Did Paul expect free meals? (3:7-8; Acts 18:3)