1 Timothy – Guard the Truth
Paul urged Timothy, in spite of his youth, to be an example of the believer. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Carefully guard the truth that he has received
Ch.2 Instructions for men and women in the church
Ch.3 Instructions for those who want to be an overseer
Ch.4 Young Timothy is to be an example of the believer
Ch.5 Paul’s instructions to Timothy regarding how to treat others in the church
Ch.6 Pursue the right things
Where did Paul want Timothy to stay? (1:3)
Why did he want believers to pray for those in authority? (2:2)
Who is the mediator between God and man? (2:5)
What were the requirements for one who wanted to be a bishop? (3:2-7)
What were the requirements for one who desired to be a deacon? (3:8-12)
What will happen in later times? (4:1)
How was Timothy to treat the believers in the church? (5:1-2)
Who did Paul consider worse than an unbeliever? (5:8)
What is great gain? (6:6)
What is the root of all evil? (6:9-10)
2 Timothy – Be strong in troubled times
Paul wrote to Timothy preparing him for difficult times For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Paul encouraged Timothy to stay true and to not be ashamed of Paul’s imprisonment
Ch.2 Be strong and focused on the truth
Ch.3 Perilous times are coming
Ch.4 Preach, Timothy, preach
Who were Timothy’s mother and grandmother? (1:5)
Are believers to be fearful? (1:7)
Who frequently helped Paul? (1:16-17)
What must Timothy endure? (2:3)
What will the perilous times be like? (3:1-5)
Who will suffer persecution? (3:12)
What work was Timothy to do? (4:2,5)
Titus – Living Godly in the present age
Paul left Titus in Crete to set in order what was lacking in the local church. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Qualifications for church elders Crete
Ch.2 Family relationships
Ch.3 Recipients of grace have an obligation to live righteously
Where did Paul leave Titus? (1:5)
Why were some teaching things they ought not? (1:11)
How should believers live? (2:11-12)
When should believers reject a divisive person? (3:10)
What were the believers of all ages to maintain? (2:7,14; 3:1,8,14)
Philemon – Debt will be repaid
Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon with a letter asking Philemon not to be too hard on Onesimus for running away. He had become a believer and had been helpful to Paul.
For your convenience – Bible online
How did Paul want Philemon to accept the returning runaway slave? (v.15-16)
What did Paul want Philemon to charge to his account? (v.18)