A Better Covenant
This letter to the Hebrew believers was written to explain to the Jewish community the truth of the gospel, the new and better covenant. Jesus Christ was the human expression of the Godhead, the final and perfect sacrifice, and the perfect priest who could understand them. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 God is revealed through His Son
Ch.2 Through His death, the Son was made the perfect captain for all who believe in Him
Ch.3 Comparison of sin and unbelief
Ch.4 A rest is promised
Ch.5 Christ, the High Priest who understands people
Ch.6 Believers need to grow spiritually
Ch.7 Temporary priest vs. eternal priest (see Genesis 14:18)
Ch.8 New covenant replaces the old covenant
Ch.9 Death of Christ established the new covenant Importance of the torn veil
Ch.10 Former sacrifices were a foreshadow of Christ’s sacrificial death
Ch.11 Faith hall of fame
Ch.12 Individual believers are part of a great company
Ch.13 Practical Christian advice for life