58. James/ 1 & 2 Peter

 James – Doers of the word  

James wrote to the Jewish believers who had been through persecution and had moved to various places throughout the Roman world.  He was concerned that their faith is evidenced by how they lived.                                                                 For your convenienceBible online                        James 1:1 – Dispersion
Ch.1 The faith of a believer will be tested through various trials
Ch.2 Faith is made evident through the life
Ch.3 A person’s speech is difficult to control
Ch.4 Pride vs. humility
Ch.5 Patiently continue in the faith
What people did James write this letter to?  (1:1)
Does God tempt people?  (1:13-14)
What makes a person guilty of breaking all the law?  (2:10)
Do demons believe in God?  (2:19)
Who is a perfect person?  (3:2)
How is the tongue described?  (3:5,6,8-10)
How is friendship with the world described?  (4:4)
If a believer knows to do good but doesn’t do it, what is it?  (4:17)
How effective were Elijah’s prayers?  (5:17-18)
1 Peter – Kept by the power of God
Peter wrote to believers who had moved throughout the Roman world to escape persecution.  He encouraged them not to be concerned when life got complicated because God would be with them.  He would keep them, perfect them, establish them and strengthen them.                     Map of cities in 1 Peter 1:1                                                                                                                              For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1 Rest your hope fully on grace as obedient children
Ch.2 Have your conduct honorable before all people
Ch.3 If you suffer for your faith in Christ, you are blessed
Ch.4 Be serious, be watchful
Ch.5 Cast all your care on God
What is more precious than gold?  (1:7)
What were the believers redeemed with?  (1:18-19)
What is the effect of the chief cornerstone to a believer and an unbeliever?  (2:6-8)
What are two titles for Jesus Christ?  (2:25)
The eyes of the Lord are on whom?  (3:12)
Why did Jesus Christ suffer?  (3:18)
Should a believer be surprised when trials come their way?  (4:12)
List the four things that God will do for the believer?  (5:10)
2 Peter – There will be false teachers 
Peter warned the believers to be aware of those who would distort the gospel, who would try to convince people, through swelling words of emptiness, to follow them.
                                       For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1 Be diligent to make their calling sure
Ch.2 False teachers
Ch.3 Be diligent to be found in Christ
The divine power of Jesus has given believers what?  (1:3)
What was Peter talking about in 1:13-14?  (see John 21:18)
What happened to the angels who sinned?  (2:4)
What will the scoffers say in the last days?  (3:3-4)
How will the day of the Lord come?  (3:10)

What are the believers looking for?  (3:13)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

The letters of John are short but vital. Ever wonder if you are a believer? John gives clues to let Christians know if they are true believers. 

Jude was concerned about the condition of the church. Who had come into the church causing trouble?