59. 1,2,3 John/Jude

1 John – Indications that we know God 

He who is in the light, but does not act like it, is not a true believer.  A true believer has the love of God in him.  It was the new commandment made by Jesus when He was on earth.                                                                                                             For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1 Fellowship with God
Ch.2 How to know if we are in Him
Ch.3 Difference between believers and non-believers
Ch.4 John warns them to beware of false prophets
Ch.5 John wrote so they would know they have eternal life
What if believers say they are sinless?  (1:8-10)
Is all lost with God if we sin?  (2:1-2)
Who were the three groups of people John wrote to?  (2:12-14)
What are the three things in the world that are not of God?  (2:16)
Why was the Son of God manifested?  (3:5,8)
What is the commandment?  (3:23)
Why test the spirits?  (4:1)
How are the believers able to discern the spirit of truth from error?  (4:6)
How was the love of God manifested(shown)?  (4:9-10)
Why do believers love God?  (4:19)
Who has eternal life?  (5:12-13)
2 John – Beware of deceivers            Elect Lady
John wrote to encourage the believers to let the love of Christ be their goal and to beware of deceivers.                                                                                                                   For your convenienceBible online
What do the deceivers say?  (v.7)
Did John write all he wanted to say to them in this letter?  (v.12)
3 John – Walk in truth 
John wrote to Gaius to express his joy that he was walking in truth.                                                For your convenienceBible online
What is John’s greatest joy?  (v.4)
How does the ending of this letter compare with the end of 2 John?   (v.13-14)
Jude – New and old apostates        apostate
Jude encouraged the believers to contend for the faith.                                                                        For your convenienceBible online
What has happened in the church?  (v.4)
Describe the apostates.  (v.12-13)
Who can keep a believer from stumbling in their conduct?  (v.24)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

Congratulations!!! Only one remaining lesson. Can you believe it? You have accomplished what many people have only wished for. In this journey, you have gained a fundamental knowledge of the Bible. 

Have you learned all there is to know from the Bible? No. There are depths of knowledge that are still waiting for you to discover.

I would encourage you to make Bible reading a regular part of your life. Each time you read you will learn more.

Now, to this last lesson—Revelation. You will read about 4 different colored horses, a dragon, 2 beasts, 2 men who lay dead for 3 days then come back to life, the new Jerusalem, and a new earth, plus much more.