Remembering – Lest They Forget
Remembering is the theme of the book of Deuteronomy. Moses admonished the people to remember God and what He had done for them. His disrespect for God kept him from entering the promised land. Joshua was appointed as their new leader. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Moses is speaking to the people after 40 years of desert travels immediately before they were to complete their journey and enter the land of promise.
Ch.2-3 Because of God’s presence with them, the other countries would be afraid of them (2:25)
Ch.4 If they would believe, God’s presence would be with them. Other nations would take notice; no one like God (4:15-40)
Ch.5 Review of ten commandments
Ch.6 Greatest Commandment (see Matthew 22:37)
Ch.7 Special people because God chose them
Ch.8 When they come to the place when they say they don’t need God (see Jeremiah 2:31)
Ch.9 More remembrances
Ch.10 Essence of law
Ch.11-13 Serious relationship with God
Ch.14-19 Review of laws
Ch.20 Warfare
Ch.21 Laws concerning murder, and other problems
Ch.22-25 Review more laws, moral and sanitation
Ch.26 Requirements for offerings, regular provision for the poor
Ch.27-29 Blessings for obedience; Cursings for disobedience
Ch.30 Blessing for returning to God;
Ch.31 God’s promise to go with them
Note – Word or phrases that were repeated: 4:4 hold fast; 4:6 be careful; 4:9 lest you forget
Why was God angry with them? (1:32-33)
Which two of the spies would be able to go into the promised land? (1:36-38)
How big was King Og’s bed? (3:11)—a cubit is about 18 inches
How big was King Og’s bed? (3:11)—a cubit is about 18 inches
He warned them to take heed, lest they did what? (4:9,23)
What is the greatest commandment? (6:1-5 specifically v. 5)
Why did God choose them? (7:8; Compare with John 15:16)
How is God described in 10:17-21?
What did God set before them? (11:26)
Could they offer second-rate or blemished animals for sacrifice? (17:1)
What customs were they to avoid in their new land? (18:9-14)
Who was this Prophet mentioned in 18:15? (see Acts 3:18-26)
What were they to do with runaway slaves? (23:15-16)
If they made a loan, could they charge interest? (23:19-20)
What proclamation was made in chapter 26? (26:17)
What did God proclaim? (26:18-19)
List five curses, if they didn’t obey. (27:11-26)
List five blessings, if they obeyed. (28:1-14)
He told them that they would perish if they did what? (30:17-18)
He called heaven and earth as witnesses as He told them what? (30:19-20)
Who was inaugurated to lead them after Moses died? (31:14,23)
Who was inaugurated to lead them after Moses died? (31:14,23)
Why could Moses not go into the promised land? (32:48-52; see Numbers 20:1-12)
Who buried Moses? (34:5-6)
A note from your Bible study mentor –
Congratulations on making it through the first five books of the Old Testament (Pentateuch). You have done well and are on your way to having a basic understanding of the Bible. A foundation has been laid. The next lessons will build on that. The next several books are categorized as the historical books.
Joshua, now 85 years old, is the leader of this new nation. He guides them for another 25 years as they conquer and settle the land. How well will they do?
What was Joshua’s formula for success? Joshua 1:7-9
Keep going strong. This book is full of fascinating history.