Exodus from Egypt
At the end of Genesis, Israel and his family had moved to Egypt seeking relief from a famine. That family stayed and grew to 2-3 million people. In Genesis 15, God promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation, and they would have their own land. Now four centuries later, it was time. A Hebrew boy, Moses, miraculously survived babyhood to become God’s chosen, but reluctant, leader for his people. For your convenience – Bible online
Ch.1 Hebrew population grew, and Egyptian ruler is concerned
Ch.2-3 Moses called (3:14; Hebrews 11:23-29)
Ch.4-11 His dealings with the Pharaoh
Ch.12 Passover (see Hebrews 9:12,14,22,24,26; 10:1,4,14)
Ch.13-18 Journey out of Egypt begins, God provides for them
Ch.19 God meets them at Mt. Sinai (19:5,12,18)
Ch.20 Ten Commandments (see Romans 3:23) no one could keep all the law
Ch.21-31 Various laws and procedures
Ch.32 People turn to worship something they made; (see Acts 7:17-41)
Ch.33-34 Moses’ relationship with God (see Psalm 145:8-9)
Ch.35-40 Tabernacle and furnishings Tabernacle and furnishings
How old was Moses when he saw the mistreatment of the Hebrew slaves and killed one of the slave masters? (Acts. 7:22-24)
How many years passed from the time he ran away to Midian and tended sheep to the time when God called him from the burning bush? (Acts 7:30)
What did God call himself? (3:14)
How many plagues were there? (Chapters 7-11)
What was the final plague? (Ch.11)
What were the Hebrews to do to protect their families from the death of their firstborn? (12:7)
Who was to see the blood? (12:13)
Was the ground dry when the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea or was the water shallow? (14:21-22)
What happened when the Egyptian army tried to follow them? (14:24-28)
How did God provide for their nourishment? (16:9-16)
How did God provide for their nourishment? (16:9-16)
What was the complaint of the crowd of Israelites? (17:1-3)
What did Moses do? (17:4)
How did God provide for them? (17:5-6)
What are the ten commandments? (20:3,4,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17) Briefly list them.
How many times were the men to present themselves before God each year? (23:17)
How did Moses respond to God’s anger at the people? (32:7-13)
If God refused to forgive the people, what would Moses request? (32:32)
What did the people do each time Moses went into the tabernacle? (33:7-11)
How did God talk with Moses? (33:11)
Who stayed in the tabernacle longer than Moses? (33:11)
What sets these people apart from all other people? (33:15-16)
What part of God was Moses allowed to see? (33:23)
What part of God was Moses allowed to see? (33:23)
How did God describe Himself? (34:6-7)
When Moses came down from the mountain what did he look like? (34:29-35)
Where did the supplies come from for the building of the tabernacle and its furnishings? (35:5-29; 11:1-3; 12:35-36)
What guided the people on their journey? (40:34-38)